Aş începe prin a vă ruga să participaţi la sondajul următor, gândindu-vă serios şi fiind sinceri! Luaţi în calcul faptul că este vorba despre o maşină electrică, adică una care nu foloseşte niciun fel de combustibil solid, lichid sau gazos.
Vă mulţumesc!

cât de mult aţi fi dispus/ă să plătiţi pentru o maşină care nu consumă nimic?

luni, 21 septembrie 2009

zece lucruri pe care le-aş face în loc să fiu injectat cu vaccinul contra gripei porcine

Aşa sună titlul unui material apărut la naturalnews pe Trebuie să recunosc că unele dintre ele (cele 10 lucruri) chiar sunt haioase. Iată cele 10 lucruri aici:

"#1) Eat nothing but McDonald's hamburgers and fries for 30 days straight until I cough up my own liver.

#2) Kiss an H1N1-infected pig smack on the lips.

#3) Legally change my name to "Barack Obama" and then announce it over the loudspeaker of a cowboy bar in rural Texas, just to see what happens.

#4) Be forced to work as a writer in the public relations department of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

#5) Base jump off a tall building with nothing more than a parachute made under the same quality control oversight as FDA-approved swine flu vaccines.

#6) Be subjected to forced chemotherapy at gunpoint, just like all the other U.S. teens who are kidnapped by state authorities and forcibly injected with chemo.

#7) Have all the superfoods in my pantry secretly replaced with MSG-laced processed food products made by Frito-Lay.

#8) Work as a biological hazards disposal volunteer in the "superbug ward" of a local hospital.

#9) Drink diet soda until my brain explodes from the aspartame exposure.

#10) Get a public relations job at the White House where my sole responsibility is to show the brain-numbed masses how to stupidly sneeze into their own shirt sleeves."

Adevărul e că ultimul lucru e unul dintre cele mai adevărate.

Wake up people!!!!

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