Aşa sună titlul unui material apărut la naturalnews pe http://www.naturalnews.com/027067_swine_flu_vaccine_swine_flu_food.html. Trebuie să recunosc că unele dintre ele (cele 10 lucruri) chiar sunt haioase. Iată cele 10 lucruri aici:
"#1) Eat nothing but McDonald's hamburgers and fries for 30 days straight until I cough up my own liver.
#2) Kiss an H1N1-infected pig smack on the lips.
#3) Legally change my name to "Barack Obama" and then announce it over the loudspeaker of a cowboy bar in rural Texas, just to see what happens.
#4) Be forced to work as a writer in the public relations department of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
#5) Base jump off a tall building with nothing more than a parachute made under the same quality control oversight as FDA-approved swine flu vaccines.
#6) Be subjected to forced chemotherapy at gunpoint, just like all the other U.S. teens who are kidnapped by state authorities and forcibly injected with chemo.
#7) Have all the superfoods in my pantry secretly replaced with MSG-laced processed food products made by Frito-Lay.
#8) Work as a biological hazards disposal volunteer in the "superbug ward" of a local hospital.
#9) Drink diet soda until my brain explodes from the aspartame exposure.
#10) Get a public relations job at the White House where my sole responsibility is to show the brain-numbed masses how to stupidly sneeze into their own shirt sleeves."
Adevărul e că ultimul lucru e unul dintre cele mai adevărate.
Wake up people!!!!
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